Great Green Bedwyn and other local green groups are planning a Green Open Homes event in October. If you'd be willing to open your low carbon home to others, we'd love to hear from you.

The event aims to raise awareness of green homes and technologies such as heat pumps, wall insulation, PV and home batteries. We hope to help people interested in installing these green technologies in a new home or retrofit to find out more about them from owners without a sales pitch. A smaller Green Open Homes event we held in 2022 showed that there was a lot of interest and value gained from visiting green homes.
If you have taken steps to lower your home carbon emissions and might be willing to take part by opening your home to visitors please find out more below or get in touch at
What sort of green homes are you looking for?
We don't have a set criteria for what counts as a 'green home'. If you think your home could be of interest to other people interested in lowering their home carbon footprint please get in touch.
When would I need to open my home?
Home owners can choose the time slots that suit them over the weekend of 14th/15th October..
How would visitors book to visit my home?
All the homes would be advertised on the national Green Open Homes website. Visitors could either be directed to book via an online booking system or they could contact you directly via email to make arrangements with you if you prefer.
What would I need to do before the event?
We would ask you to provide information about the green features of your home, and ideally provide a photograph to share in the event advertising. You would also need to let us know your availability if you'd like us to set up your home for online bookings.. If you have chosen for people to contact you direct to arrange to visit you would need to respond to these enquiries. Any information you are able to prepare on installation & maintenance costs, and before and after energy usage would be useful.
What would I need to do on the day?
Welcome booked visitors for 45 minute visits and respond to their questions. We would appreciate your feedback on the visits afterwards.