Great Green Bedwyn rain gardens project
Funding guidance for homeowners
January 2024 update: Unless already specifically agreed with ARK no further funding for homeowners is available on this project.
Funding of up to £1,000 per household is available for project participants from Great Bedwyn. This can cover the costs of water butts, rain planters and rain gardens, including plants to go in them.
ARK can either supply materials and products to participants up to the value of £1,000 or participants can order items themselves and ARK will reimburse costs up this value. To be eligible for funding the first step is to arrange a site assessment visit, this will be followed by a site report with recommendations. Once you have this report and you have decided what plans you would like to go ahead with, costs can be reimbursed by completing this form and sending it to
Please read the following guidance before going ahead with any purchases;
Costs that can be reimbursed as part of the project
Costs of up to £1000 per household can be reimbursed
If we are supplying some materials to you the costs of these may need to be taken into account within the £1000 per household, please check with us to confirm remaining budget in this case.
The funding is available to residents of Great Bedwyn only.
Costs should relate to the recommendations in your site assessment. Please discuss any purchases not related to your site assessment with us beIfore going ahead.
The project can cover costs for the following as standard;
Water butts and pipework for connecting them, up to £250 per water butt
Rain planters and all of the materials and plants needed for them, up to £600 per rain planter
Materials and plants for rain gardens, including pipework to connect them, up to £500 per rain garden
Labour costs for any of the above which you arrange yourself (we can also help with labour so let us know what you need).
Please discuss any purchases with us before proceeding that don’t fall into these standard guidelines.
Receipts will be required for an expenditure you would like to be reimbursed for.
All items reimbursed must be used as part of the project by the 31st March 2024.
We will visit to check any work funded by the project once it is completed to ensure it is working as intended as far as possible, we might suggest adjustments to improve this if needed. For example, if you have a water butt installed as part of the project we’d want to ensure that it is set up so that there is spare capacity for water collection when there is heavy rain. (We’re not expecting everything to be perfect and understand that homeowners are not experts on sustainable drainage!)
What we can’t fund
Any expenditure which doesn’t relate to recommendations in your site report unless agreed with us beforehand.
Any expenditure for people who haven’t had a site report unless agreed with us beforehand.
Work on gardens outside of Great Bedwyn
The Great Green Bedwyn Rain Gardens project provides advice, funding and other support to home owners in Great Bedwyn. The rain garden or other features installed remain the property and responsibility of the property owner.

Great Green Bedwyn Rain Gardens is an ARK project in partnership with Great Green Bedwyn and supported by Thames Water